Thank you for your interest in our firm. We are currently only accepting new clients, by referral from our current clientele. Unfortunately, at this time we are at capacity for the 2024 filing season.

With our limited availability, we screen potential clients for compatibility with our firm. Please check our incompatibility list here. This is a list of tax situations that do not fit with our current business model.

As part of the screening process, we will need to review your prior year, or last filed, tax return (Federal and State) to determine if you fit with the services we provide.

Once the review has been completed, we require a short, complementary, meeting for everyone to get acquainted.  This meeting is NOT for tax planning purposes, but rather a time for you to get to know our office and staff, as well as time for us to get a better understanding of the services you are requesting. The meeting typically lasts about 15 minutes, and can be done virtually if you cannot come to the office.  Any tax planning meetings will be charged as such and follow our fee schedule linked below.

We have a secure portal for you to send a copy of your tax return (you can redact critical info if you wish), unless you would rather bring it or mail it to our office.  If you prefer to come in, please call first.

  • Click on the link: Prospective Clients ShareFile Upload

  • On the next screen, enter your information— Email address & Name—select Continue

  • Click on the drop down to select the recipient—select Pinnacle Tax & Financial Services

  • Drag the files necessary to the middle of the screen—or you can click on browse files and find the files on your computer—it is easiest to drag the files to the screen

Our office will be notified of the upload. Shawna and/or Paula will review the tax returns and you will be contacted. If there is compatibility, we will schedule a meeting.

Our estimated fee schedule is available on our website under the Tax Services tab above. Please review it and let us know if you have questions at the time of your appointment.

Warmest regards,

The Staff at Pinnacle Tax & Financial Services LLC